Parishioners at St. Thomas More Church in Centennial CO founded QAMA in the early 1990s to help rebuild the Catholic Church in Russia and the former Soviet Union. We rely upon your prayers and material support in order to continue this project guided by the Virgin Mary and watched over by angels in heaven.
Through donations amounting to nearly $3 Million over the last 30 years, QAMA has helped many bishops, priests and religious sisters to build, repair or purchase nearly 40 separate churches, seminaries and monasteries in Russia, Ukraine and the East.
Our missionary work includes prayer for conversions, an end to abortion, violence in families and for those suffering from abuse and addictions. Atheistic Communism and the devil and his demons worked to cause many of these social ailments. But through the many Rosaries prayed by the faithful, and through the intercession of the Virgin Mary, Russia has undergone a spiritual revival since the founding of QAMA. A generation ago, probably fewer than 5% of the population worshipped in a church on Sunday. But in the last decades they have built thousands of new churches throughout the land.
Our missionary work for Catholic churches in the former Soviet Union, includes reclaiming, renovating and rebuilding and new construction.
Your support and contributions will enable us to meet our goals and improve conditions. Your generous donation will fund our mission.
Prayers gathered through inspiration of Our Holy Mother of Virtues and other angels and saints.
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